Monday, September 21, 2009

ACORN causes controversy in Texas

This month in the Austin American Statesman, there was an article about the organization ACORN. Due to some recent undercover video taken from an ACORN advising session and some issues with an earlier voter registration program, they have caused a multitude of controversy recently. ACORN, which stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, does not seem to be all bad from the sound of it. One positive thing that they have done was file a lawsuit recieving money from FEMA after Hurricane Katrina for 4200 families. Bad practices such as suggested money laundering and lying to recieve housing assistance have not only cost ACORN their government funding, but have also overshadowed their positive deeds. At the time of this article, it was unknown if they were receiving money from the state of Texas. I don't know much about ACORN, but it sounds like they started with good intentions and then all these current events are clouding their image. Read the article and see what you think.

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