Monday, November 16, 2009

Drunk Comment

My classmate Jeremy's most recent blog post on drunk driver blood tests got me to thinking. This somewhat recent policy of drawing blood upon the refusal of the breathalyzer test is downright scary. While I don't think I'll ever find myself in this situation, I don't like the thought of a cop with a needle coming towards me. I don't care how much training the officers are given, as even trained medical professionals (perhaps amateurs is more appropriate if they can't draw blood correctly) can mess something like that up and that is with a sober and calm person presumably. I know I'd be a lot more calm in that situation if someone in scrubs was doing the blood drawing. But hey look at it this way... if the officers get assaulted trying to draw blood via needle, they can just beat the crap out of the drunk and get it that way.

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