Monday, November 2, 2009

Proposistional Amendments

This November, tomorrow to be more specific, we will be able to vote on some new constitutional amendments to the Texas constitution. While there are 11 different propositions coming to the people to vote on, they are written in somewhat complex language which makes it difficult for the average person to understand which aside from not much being said about them leads to a lower voter turn out. I will break down proposition 11 to an understandable point and hopefully get you to go out and vote.

Proposition 11 says: "The constitutional amendment to prohibit the taking, damaging, or destroying of private property for public use unless the action is for the ownership, use, and enjoyment of the property by the State, a political subdivision of the State, the public at large, or entities granted the power of eminent domain under law or for the elimination of urban blight on a particular parcel of property, but not for certain economic development or enhancement of tax revenue purposes, and to limit the legislature's authority to grant the power of eminent domain to an entity."

This amendment is meant to limit the eminent domain power of the state, which for those that don't know what that is, it allows the government to take private property for state use with compensation. This sounds like a very good idea to me cause even if you receive compensation for your land the government is taking, you don't really have a choice. This amendment at least limits the purposes in which private land can be taken which is a step in the right direction as far as limiting this power goes.

Not many people actually vote in these types of elections so if you want your voice to be heard get out there and vote tomorrow!

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